Northern Cyprus

Cities and Towns

Apart from the capital city - Nicosia/Lefkosia - the island has three main towns: the port town of Gazimagusa (Famagusta) on the east coast, and the resort town of Girne (Kyrenia) in the north.  The third major centre is Guzelyurt (Morphou). which is to the west and is the traditional centre of the citrus industry. Kyrenia/Girne Kyrenia/Girne is considered to be the tourist capital of Turkish Cyprus. ...

An Overview of Cyprus History

Cyprus has had many names, but most authorities agree that the current name comes from the word, "copper".  An alternative theory suggests that 'Cyprus' comes from the Greek work 'kypros' which means "henna".  The island's strategic location has resulted in repeated invasions that have created a unique way of life and culture to the island. Cyprus has been colonized by Phoenicians, Achaeans, Assyrians,...

Climate and Weather in Cyprus

Turkish Cyprus experiences a typical Mediterranean climate.  Summers, last from mid May till mid October, and are dry and hot.  In the summer, the subtropical high pressure zone controls the weather, preventing rainfall.   We generally have short and mild winters lasting from December to late February.  January and February are generally the coldest and wettest months, with about 60% of the average...

Geography of Cyprus – The Island of Cyprus

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is an autonomous territory covering the north of the island of Cyprus. Situated at the far eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus is geographically closer to the Middle East than to Europe.  However, politically and culturally, it is aligned with Europe. As a matter of fact, Cyprus has historically always sat at the crossroads of three continents: Europe,...

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